Kérdések és válaszok
Régi adósságunknak eleget téve ezentúl sokkal pontosabb, az esetleges félreértéseket kizáró definíciókat olvashattok a Gyakori kérdések menüpontban az Éghajlati napló feltöltésével kapcsolatban, a 25. pont alatt. Kérünk tehát mindenkit, hogy az Éghajlati naplót a definíciók alapos tanulmányozása után töltse fel és egyben megköszönjük munkátokat :)
bébé: a vision gs ilyen, ráadásul ingyé is van némi reklám fejében:Link fícsör: features include.. real multi-cam support with own profiles. support for a large number of video devices (DV cams etc.) including firewire support. ability to run as true nt service. configurable motion detection motion to monitor your desk, house, children etc. (also ability to capture video in realtime!). automatically snaps a picture, connects to the internet, uploads the picture and disconnects. live streaming video using the latest video push technology, no plugin or additional software required! time synchronization management, so your webcam is always using the atomic time (thru ntp server). upload the image every few seconds, minutes or hours. ability to include file-contents (e.g. latest weather information) in your webcam image. include a date/time stamp on the image using any color and font. include advanced banner on the image using any color and font. include an overlay image like your company logo. comes with configurable java applets for your website. support for dynamic dns service. advanced schedule for capture. archive images in chronological or reverse chronological order. send live picture via email or icq directly to a friend. multi language support (german, english). comes with a configurable http server. http password protection. ip upload feature upload to automatically update your website. creates thumbnails of your webcam pictures. comes with lots of html examples.