Csak pontosításképp, Davis frissítési adatok kacsint

Humidity: 50 seconds to 1 minute
Heat Index: 10 seconds
Leaf Wetness: 15 to 18 seconds
Rainfall: 10 to 12 seconds
Rain Rate: 10 to 12 seconds
Soil Moisture: 62.5 to 75 seconds
Solar Radiation: 50 seconds to 1 minute (5 minutes when dark)
Temperature: 10 seconds
Temperature Humidi ty Sun Wind Index (requires Solar Radiation Sensor): 10 to 12 seconds
Ultra Violet (UV) Radiation Dose (requires UV Sensor): 50 seconds to 1 minute (5 minutes when dark)
Wind Direction: 2.5 seconds
Wind Speed: 2.5 seconds

Még nem kínai: kacsint

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