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Azt írja, hogy nagy vita övezi az elnevezést. Ugyanis hivatalosan csak akkor hívhatjuk Bishop"s ring-nek (Bishop-gyûrû), ha a sztratoszférában vulkáni hamu okozza. Éppen ezért olyan rettenetesen ritka jelenség. Viszont õ is mostanában gondolkozott azon, hogy muszáj-e ennek vulkáni hamunak lenni; azt írja, bele kellene ásni magát a szakirodalomba. Idemásolom az email vonatkozó részeit:
"I have never seen the blue moon, so congratulations! Yes, there is a blue area surrounding the moon, so it must be some sort of corona. We never get enough dust here to see that kind of thing. We get big coronas, but they look different, probably originated from forest fires in the Russia.
Lately I"ve been pondering whether the Bishops ring -name should be reserved only for the large coronas from volcanic eruptions where the corona causing particles are confined to stratosphere or just for any large coronas. Minnaert is unclear to this point, probably should dig down to the litterature to get an answer. I have been always regarding Bishops ring as the corona from volcanic eruptions and others are just large (or very large) coronas. In that view Bishops ring is very rare phenomenon, because eruptions that reach the stratosphere occur only a couple of times in a century."
Azt írja, hogy nagy vita övezi az elnevezést. Ugyanis hivatalosan csak akkor hívhatjuk Bishop"s ring-nek (Bishop-gyûrû), ha a sztratoszférában vulkáni hamu okozza. Éppen ezért olyan rettenetesen ritka jelenség. Viszont õ is mostanában gondolkozott azon, hogy muszáj-e ennek vulkáni hamunak lenni; azt írja, bele kellene ásni magát a szakirodalomba. Idemásolom az email vonatkozó részeit:
"I have never seen the blue moon, so congratulations! Yes, there is a blue area surrounding the moon, so it must be some sort of corona. We never get enough dust here to see that kind of thing. We get big coronas, but they look different, probably originated from forest fires in the Russia.
Lately I"ve been pondering whether the Bishops ring -name should be reserved only for the large coronas from volcanic eruptions where the corona causing particles are confined to stratosphere or just for any large coronas. Minnaert is unclear to this point, probably should dig down to the litterature to get an answer. I have been always regarding Bishops ring as the corona from volcanic eruptions and others are just large (or very large) coronas. In that view Bishops ring is very rare phenomenon, because eruptions that reach the stratosphere occur only a couple of times in a century."